Foundation for Water Research (FWR)
United Kingdom
Organisation:  Foundation for Water Research (FWR)
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Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body
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Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Organisation Outline:
The Foundation for Water Research (FWR) is an independent, not for profit organisation, having charitable status, that shares and disseminates knowledge 
about water, wastewater and research into related environmental issues. Free-to-view science-based information on water-environment topics of general interest can be accessed via the 'ROCKs' link (Reviews of Current Knowledge). The Foundation supports and participates in several Forums that facilitate the interchange of information and define outstanding research needs in specific
topic areas: Environmental Economics, Eutrophication, Groundwater and Wastewater. FWR reports and publications are based on work co-ordinated or funded by the Foundation, or sponsored by the UK Department of the Environment (now Defra),
the Drinking Water Inspectorate (England & Wales), the Scottish Office, or the Scottish & Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research. The complete
publications catalogue can be browsed and searched on-line.